Donate to Rescue
Would you like to donate to Southern California Newfoundland Rescue Corporation? We could sure use your help! Newfoundland Rescue is composed of 100% volunteers so your donation pays for veterinary and animal care. SCNRC is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Any amount helps Newfs in need and your donation is tax deductible.
Rarely does a Newf come through our program that is 100% healthy, up to date on vaccinations and already spayed or neutered. Even though we try to use veterinarians who give price breaks for rescue organizations, a routine vet visit will usually run several hundreds of dollars per dog. Of course, we end up with a few each year that require thousands (yes, thousands!) of dollars and months of rehabilitation before they can be adopted.
Donate using your credit card, debit card, or bank account through PayPal. It's safe and secure. Or make your check payable to Southern California Newfoundland Rescue Corporation (SCNRC) and mail to: P.O.Box 2501, Huntington Beach, CA 92647.
Note: Although the Southern California Newfoundland Rescue Corporation (SCNRC) and the Newfoundland Club of Southern California (NCSC) work very closely, they are separate organizations. The NCSC hosts this page for SCNRC in order to uphold the Club’s initial objectives and because of its strong support for SCNRC and all that it does for Newfoundland dogs. There is no legal relationship between SCNRC and NCSC.