About Us
Founded in 1969 by a dedicated group of Newfoundland owners, the NCSC today encompasses a membership of over 200, with a vast geographic region including Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, San Bernardino, Riverside, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Kern counties.
The objectives of the NCSC are:
- To encourage and promote the pure-bred Newfoundland dog according to the NCA Breed Standard
- To promote the special qualities of the breed through NCA and community activities
- To conduct obedience trials, sanctioned matches and specialty shows under the rules of the AKC
- To encourage participation by the membership in all Newfoundland working and companion activities
- To encourage good sportsmanship at all events featuring Newfoundland dogs
- To provide education and information to membership and the general public
- To maintain a Newfoundland rescue and placement network
The NCSC is a recognized regional club affiliated with the Newfoundland Club of America (NCA). The NCSC adheres to and supports the Newfoundland standard as adopted by the NCA, and all subsequent amendments thereto, as approved by the American Kennel Club (AKC), as the only standard of excellence by which the Newfoundland dog shall be judged. General and Board Meetings are held on a regular basis.
The NCSC offers a variety of activities and opportunities for involvement. Whether your Newfoundland is to be shown in conformation, participate in various working events, cherished as a family member, or all of the above, there are many ways to participate and volunteer.
Among the activities you and your dog can enjoy are matches, specialty shows, obedience trials, water and draft training and tests, grooming seminars, fun picnics, swim parties, dog washes, and community service and education events, just to name a few.

As a member of the NCSC, you will be part of a supportive network of caring people devoted to the Newfoundland breed. We are ready to share with you the good times and the challenges that come to those who are fortunate enough to be owned and loved by these wonderful dogs.
Members of the NCSC are also eligible to foster with the Southern California Newfoundland Rescue Corporation (SCNRC). If you are interested in rescuing a Newfoundland or need assistance with your Newfoundland, please refer to the information under the Rescue tab.
The NCSC also assists prospective puppy buyers in locating reliable breeders who adhere to guidelines established by the NCA.
Our dues are nominal and include regular editions of our club newsletter Pawprints, as well as notices of all club activities. We also offer a junior membership for persons under 18 years of age.
As a member of the NCSC, we invite and encourage your ideas and participation.
We are glad to have you aboard! Welcome!